Land o'Lakes Cottages
Land o' Lakes Cottages for Sale Designed specifically
for your family, cottage and waterfront buyers in Ontario.
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technology to find your property.
Designed to simplify your search |
Get all existing and new listings delivered to you prior to the MLS system |
One person working for you...that knows the lakes, properties and the market |
I've worked hard to find great agents that are ready to work for you.
I created this site and program if you do not want search through
the Internet anymore and just want to find the best property for your family.
"Get All Existing and Newly Listed Properties Directly to Your E-mail"
One Agent, that knows the Land-o-Lakes...the lakes and the properties...
Working for You
My Best in Your Search
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Your personal information is collected only to send you the additional information that you requested.
No matter your location if I cannot provide you with the immediate service you requested I will refer you to an
excellent waterfront agent or broker.
Regardless, I will keep in touch to ensure that you are, and continue to receive, outstanding customer service for your waterfront
and cottage search!
Ontario Lakes in the Land O' Lakes
With 5000 Lakes in the Land o'Lakes region, the major lakes
that are in the area.
Ashby Lake
Beaver Lake
Big Clear Lake
Big Gull Lake
Black Lake
Bob's Lake
Bolton Lakes
Brule Lake
Buck Lake
Bull Lake
Chippego Lake
Cole Lake
Cronk Lake
Devil Lake
Elbow Lake (Parham)
Grindstone Lake
Hambly Lake
Kashwakamak Lake
Kennebec lake
Little Mississagagon
Mackie Lake
Mazinaw Lake
Mississagagon Lake
Palmerston Lake
Sand Lake
Shabomeka Lake
Sharbot Lake
Shawenegog Lake
Silver Lake
Skootamatta Lake
Sydenham Lake
White Lake
Wolfe Lake
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